code of conduct

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The purpose of this code is to ensure high levels of skills development service. By signing this document, members agree to adhere to this code at all times.


  • The members of the Association for Skills Development in South Africa subscribe to the following core values:
  • Professionalism, Integrity, Honesty, Client Focus, Quality.
  • Performing their functions in good faith, giving full effect to the obligations and spirit of the Skills Development Act and any relevant related legislation and/or regulation.
  • Abstaining from any conduct or interests that may conflict with relevant legislation and/or regulatory framework.

Code of Conduct

The “Workplace Skills Planning” process is about engagement between employers and employees within companies that are registered with Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), with skills development facilitators and members of related professions acting as “process engineers” rather than participants.

Conduct relating to skills development facilitation

As a member of the Association for Skills Development in South Africa, I agree to:

  • Facilitate skills development-related engagement in the workplace.
  • Conduct research in the workplace and/or participate in industry research activities.
  • Facilitate consensual decision-making in the workplace with regard to skills development activities.
  • Facilitate information-sharing between workplace constituencies and the relevant SETA.
  • Manage the workplace skills planning evaluation process including acceptance of delays, changes and any additional consultation.
  • Liaise with the relevant SETA on behalf of the member company.
  • Be unbiased in dealing with employer and employee constituencies.
  • Inform the relevant SETA of skills development-related aspects and developments with regard to the member company.
  • Subscribe to and foster a culture of continuous professional improvement and development.
  • Engage in continuing professional development activities as appropriate.

Conduct relating to professional behaviour

As a member of the Association for Skills Development in South Africa, I will abide by the following –

  • I will not accept bribes.
  • I will be honest when submitting claims to the SETA.
  • I will discharge my duties with diligence and punctuality.
  • I will not profit from confidential information acquired from member companies while engaged with a member company or after termination of my relationship with such company.
  • I will act at all times in the interest of the member company in relation to the relevant SETA and other members.
  • I will endeavour to promote a culture of consensus at all times.
  • Contravention of this code of ethics may result in disciplinary action against me, including expulsion from the Association for Skills Development in South Africa.


You will be required to accept the code of conduct above when applying for membership. When you agree, you shall abide by the preceding code of conduct and good practice as drawn up by the Association for Skills Development in South Africa.

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